Robert Mikac
Robert Mikac is Assistant Professor in the area of Social Sciences, Field of Political Science, Subfield International Relations and National Security at the Faculty of Political Science University of Zagreb. He is a specialist in International Relations; International and National Security; Crisis and Disaster Management; Civil Protection; Afghanistan; Privatization of Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience; Migrations and Security.
Previously Robert was Head of Civil protection of the Republic of Croatia development system; participant in the creation of numerous strategic and normative documents in the field of national security. Assessor of the state and consequences in catastrophes and severe accidents, and direct manager and commander of the Civil protection forces.
Robert was also Coordination and realization of reception and transfer of all decisions, orders, commands and reports on realization of all preparedness and protection and rescue measures in the Republic of Croatia. Coordination of the unique communication and information system for collecting and unifying data on events through County 112 Centers, bodies of state authority and emergency services on the state level and coordination of all of them.
With the Ministry of Interior of Croatia, his participation in monitoring, analysis and coordination of EU accession processes under jurisdiction of the MOI, with special attention on observing the compatibility of the legislation with the EU legislation. Preparation and realization of international contacts in cooperation with other organizational units within Ministry of the Interior.
He was also responsible for 24/7 military police supervisor and protection of the MoD, organized tactical and logistic support for all needs of the Company, preformed tactical MP exhibition and educated privates and younger MPs, coordination, operational and tactical duties, in charge for all plans, reports and data’s on company level.